5 Tips to Protect Your Laptop from Physical Damage
A laptop can hold your life. If you’re working from home, it’s essential to your income. For students, it’s where you keep all your notes and essays. Plus, there are the personal photos and videos. And you sometimes use it to stream your TV shows, or to video chat with friends and family. You may even make music, create art, or be writing the next bestselling novel on your laptop. So, you want to keep it in great shape. Here are five tips to protect your laptop.
#1 Don’t drop it
Or throw it, or stand on it, or expect it to withstand any serious impact. OK, that’s pretty obvious. You also don’t want to use your laptop in the bathtub or at the pool. Even a simple water spill on a laptop can damage the circuitry. If you do get your laptop wet, immediately turn it off and unplug everything attached to it.
#2 Open carefully
Laptops are getting thinner in every iteration. Some now even have foldable screens. The thinner and more flexible screen may look sleek and cool, but it’s also less rigid, which makes it more prone to damage. Especially on lower-cost laptops, the screen can flex if you open the computer up from just one side.
Yet, many of us hold a laptop in one hand and open the lid with the other. This can cause the screen to twist. Use both hands to open the laptop. Or get into the habit of opening your laptop from the center to avoid flex.
#3 Don’t bedazzle your keyboard or screen
Alright, maybe you weren’t planning on putting faux rhinestones on the screen or keyboard. Still, reconsider any decorations you have thought of adding. Even a keyboard protector (to prevent dust or spills getting into the circuitry) or camera privacy sticker could damage some of the new super-thin laptops. It’s just that there is now so little clearance between the keyboard and the screen.
If you really must have your stickers, put them on the protective sleeve that you get for your laptop.
#4 Disconnect carefully
Your laptop needs a consistent power source. If you damage the power cord connection, you’re done. So, make sure you pull the power cord out straight. Yanking it out sideways could damage the port.
Also be aware of where your power cord is connecting to the wall outlet. If you leave the cord trailing along the floor, someone could trip over it, or it could get caught on a rolling chair. This could not only damage the charging port but even pull the entire laptop onto the floor. That brings us back to #1, don’t drop the laptop!
#5 Keep it cool
No, you don’t have to store it into a refrigerator (please don’t!), but heat isn’t good for your laptop. You’ll want to keep your computer away from external sources of heat.
Again, as the laptops get thinner, they are more vulnerable to internal overheating. Ensure that the laptop’s intake ports are unblocked so that air can flow through and cool the circuitry. You might also blow dust out of the vents using canned air.
Also, avoid placing your laptop on very soft surfaces. A soft, uneven surface is more likely to block the internal fans. This leaves your device unable to regulate its temperature. You could even buy a laptop cooling stand, which provides extra fans to improve air circulation.
Average laptop lifespan will vary between two to five years. Keep your laptop on the longer side of that by taking these tips to heart.
If something does happen to your laptop, give us a call at (651) 456-8655. Our IT experts are here to help you find the best laptop for you, upgrade and secure your laptop, or fix your laptop when you need it. You may also send us a message from our Contact page.
Laptop battery… Is it time to replace? – Your laptop computer may feel like a lifeline. It has everything important on it, both personal and professional! Regrettably, the time does come when you need to replace it. Yet, some computer problems could be solved instead by replacing the laptop battery.
Some computers now come with a variation on the car dashboard indicator light. You may see a red X on the icon that shows you the power level for your battery. Those with computer models with Windows 7 and up get a message saying, “consider replacing your battery.” But not all of us have this useful warning, in which case you’ll want to be on the lookout for these sure signs that battery replacement is needed.
#1 You Have to Charge the Computer Often
When you buy a battery-powered device the marketing boasts of the many hours it can hold its charge. Expect a fully charged laptop battery to last six hours (depending on the programs used). But as the laptop battery ages, it doesn’t hold its charge for as long.
You might plug it in overnight and wake up to find it still has charging to do. Your solution may be to keep your laptop plugged in at all times, but this cuts into the very mobility a laptop promises, plus, it can be a fire risk.
#2 Your Lap Is Heating Up
You’re working away on your tasks and the computer becomes an unexpected warming blanket in your lap. That didn’t used to happen! Now, your battery is having to work harder to power applications. This causes your computer to overheat, which can strain your computer. Plus, it can be a fire risk (yep, that again).
#3 Your Laptop Keeps Shutting Down
This one is going to get you worried really quickly. You’ll be seeing the dollar signs associated with buying a new computer in your eyes. This may be a sign instead that your battery needs to be replaced. A bad battery doesn’t hold charge for very long, and your computer will unexpectedly power off.
#4 Time Is Not on Your Side
You know your laptop is more than five years old. Don’t be surprised if you experience power issues. Did you know that laptop batteries are typically meant to last only 400 charges? That’s one or two years! So, your laptop battery might already have been living on borrowed time for years.
Be Nice to Your Laptop Battery
Before you buy a new computer, think about whether it could be the battery instead. Laptop batteries are not manufactured for eternal recharging. You might think you’re doing the right thing by keeping it plugged into a wall charger all of the time, but you’re actually doing your battery a favor by unplugging it every once in a while.
One other suggestion: don’t let the computer get below 20% charge before plugging it back in. This can help preserve battery life.
With many of today’s laptops, batteries are no longer accessible and replacing a laptop battery isn’t always straightforward. Don’t worry. We can find the right battery for your laptop and replace it for you. Contact us today at (651) 456-8655 or visit our Contact page.
Setting Your Scholar Up for Online Learning – Schools around the world have closed their doors during the COVID-19 crisis, students from kindergarten through graduate school are being asked to learn online. It’s a change for everyone, but having the right technology in place can help with the transition.
Your student may have been using the Microsoft Office suite of software at school. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint at home, check if your school is providing licenses or free software.
If not, buying a subscription to the online Microsoft 365 package allows you to pay monthly or yearly, and it’s much more affordable than in the past. One month is about the cost of two cafe coffees.
Otherwise, your student may be able to get work done using Google’s suite of tools. Teachers may accept links to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides. These free options are also useful when your student needs to work on a group project. People can collaborate online in real-time using the G-Suite software.
Teleconferencing with Teachers and Peers
Your student is likely to need to download teleconferencing software such as Zoom or Skype. Beware! Cyber-criminals take advantage of every opportunity. Noticing the increased demand for these services, they’ve set up bogus sites. Make sure that you are downloading from the legitimate sources: www.skype.com or www.zoom.us.
While we’re talking about teleconferencing, you might pass on these best practices:
Use headphones to limit audio distractions.
Join calls from a low-traffic setting with simple backgrounds.
Ask others at home to avoid downloading, streaming, or backing up while the student is live online.
Connect to the router with a network cable, or at least be as close to the wireless router as possible during the call.
Considering Cyber-security
In addition to setting up fake teleconferencing sites, cyber-criminals have other ways to exploit the situation.
Remind any students learning from home that they need to keep their username and password private. This is a lesson that never gets old.
Are you still using Windows 7 on a home computer? This popular operating system (OS) reached the end of its life in January 2020. Yes, it may still work, but it is no longer receiving security updates from Microsoft, and the bad guys know Windows 7 is vulnerable. Continuing to use this OS puts you at risk. Without new upgrades, you’re no longer protected from vulnerabilities or exploits.
You probably already know to avoid using public wireless networks. Although your students can’t go to a coffee shop or public library right now to get online, reminding students to secure their online activity is critical.
This is a good time to review your WiFi setup. Too many homeowners don’t change the default username and password on their routers. Big mistake. You should also:
hide your WiFi network from public view;
set your network up to encrypt transmissions;
update router software regularly.
A Focus on Learning
There’s one more thing parents and guardians might consider. At school, the computers prevent students from going to certain sites or downloading files, but you may not have the same blocking and filtering set up on your home devices. This can be addressed in settings.
If you have to share a computer, set up a student-specific user profile to:
prevent your student from getting distracted during learning;
limit exposure to malware and cyber-threats;
avoid them accessing any of your work files.
You may feel isolated during the coronavirus quarantine, but you’re not alone. Our tech experts can help you set up and secure your technology for work or school from home. Give us a call today at (651) 456-8655 or visit our Contact page.
Requesting Service During Minnesota’s COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Order – Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz, has ordered Minnesotans to stay home except for essential needs during the period of March 27th – April 10th. Department of Homeland Security CISA has classified IT Support Providers as Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers.
During this unprecedented time, your home PC is considered an essential tool. Many are using their home PCs to work from home, for child education, home banking, shopping, paying bills, etc. That being said, Twin Cities PC Repair will remain open to serve our clients in the event you have issues with your PC..
For more information on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, visit the DHS HERE.
Due to limited secretarial staffing at our offices, If you require sales or support, we are asking our clients to do one of the following prior to visiting our offices:.
1.) Call our office at (651) 456-8655 to arrange a pick up, drop off or remote support session.
A Custom-Built Computer Can Be a Good Deal – Big-box stores have big names and aisles of computers on offer. They post tempting deals on pre-built computers. But how does buying one of those computers compare to purchasing a custom-built one?
When you shop in a big-box store, you are one of the many people those salespeople are going to work with in a day. If you’re lucky, you may get to speak with someone actually assigned to the computer area on a regular basis.
Working with us to customize a computer, you get individualized expert service. Our specialists know computer users have different needs. You deserve a computer that matches what you’re trying to do. You might want to run the latest-and-greatest games at full graphic quality. Someone else wants something basic to support only email and Web surfing. Or how about a stock day trader who doesn’t need a fast computer but wants to run six screens at once?
It may be easier to walk into a big-box store and walk out with a desktop computer, but the big-box computer aims to appeal to everyone; it isn’t customized to each of these different aims.
Problems with Pre-Built Computers
The computers sold for less in big-box stores have cut corners to bring down costs. They can use lower-quality parts. There’s also limit to upgradability of the parts. Prebuilt brand-name systems often use proprietary parts unique to that manufacturer. This makes it difficult and expensive to replace a part.
You could end up saving money by paying for a system that has only 4 GB of RAM. Sure, the sticker price was lower, but your computer won’t run as well. Today, you need a computer with at least 8 GB of RAM. Depending on how you plan to use the computer, we might even suggest 16 GB.
The big-box stores sell computers from brand-name manufacturers pre-loaded with bloatware. The manufacturer keeps prices down by installing unwanted software in return for kickbacks. So, you paid less, but your computer runs slower from day one because it’s brimming with software you didn’t want. A customized computer comes only with what you need.
Our specialists can explain the benefits of the processing, power supply, and other parts. Picking every part of your computer, you can also count on high-quality parts that are easy to upgrade.
A Personal, Expert Relationship
Another selling point for big-box stores is the warranty. This is one more way they’re making money off the sale of your computer. But keep in mind that most of these stores aren’t going to fix your computer on-site. You explain your problem to a retail employee – again, maybe someone knowledgeable about computers (fingers crossed). Then you wait as the computer gets sent into a central repair base, where someone you haven’t spoken with is working on your computer. Then you wait for the computer to come back, hopefully fixed. Something that would take our experts 30 minutes to fix has you waiting a week. That’s a big deal if you depend on that computer on a daily basis.
When you buy from computer specialists, you’re working with a qualified computer technician. You’re building a relationship with someone who knows you and your computer, and you’ll always know where your computer is during the repair process. Additionally, since all parts are hand-picked, you might enjoy individual part warranties.
Building your own computer in the past was expensive, but today there are many more high-quality parts available. Your computer customizer can offer you affordable, reliable cases, RAM, hard drives, fans, GPUs, CPUs, and cooling, and they can help you weigh the benefits of each.
Whether you’re looking for an entry-level or high-end gaming machine, we can customize the best computer for you.
Why settle for a standard, pre-built option made to appeal to the largest number of people? Contact our experts today to start putting together your purpose-built, personalized computer. Call (651) 456-8655 or visit our Contact page.
Is Your Printer an Ink-Sucking Monster? – How long have you had your home printer? Maybe you have a printer that came as a package deal with your desktop or free with your laptop purchase. Look in many home offices and you’ll probably see a less-expensive inkjet printer sitting beside even the swankiest monitor. Here’s why it’s time for an upgrade.
You should know that printers are often sold at cost or even as a loss leader (below cost to get your business). After all, once you get that cheap/free inkjet printer, you’ll pay for ink cartridges for the life of the printer. To make sure they get your money, manufacturers often sell new printers with half-empty ink cartridges from the start!
You’ve heard “you get what you paid for,” right? Well, that’s definitely true for low-cost printers. Manufacturers are cutting production costs to keep the price down. These printers are not built with longevity in mind. Printer owners encounter all kinds of problems:
multiple sheets pulled from the paper tray at once;
paper jams;
slow printer response;
drop off in print quality;
ink smearing.
Frustrated customers soon discover they’ll pay more to fix their printer than they would to buy a new one.
Upgrading to an office-grade printer
Our solution? High-performance commercial printers. Office-grade printers are designed as work horses. These robust printers are built to withstand heavy use with speed and reliably. Yes, they cost more, but they are also less prone to problems and more likely to be a long-term valuable addition to your home office.
You’ll have many printer profiles to choose from. You might select a printer based on its pages-per-minute printing speed. Or maybe you want a larger paper tray capacity and bigger ink cartridges. Depending on your needs, you might want a printer that allows for simultaneous operation. That would let one person print while another is able to scan or copy. Built-in Wi-Fi could also be useful in small home offices if you’re tired of tripping over so many unsightly cords.
While you’re in the market for a new printer, know that we recommend laser printers over inkjet. Laser printers use a dry toner rather than wet ink. The toner cartridges are more expensive, but they print more sheets per cartridge than inkjets, plus, toner doesn’t dry up like ink. And you don’t have to worry about the printer heads getting blocked.
Lasers print faster, and you’ll have fewer problems, which means these printers are typically less expensive to operate long-term.
Inkjet printers typically have a minimum life span of three years, whereas you can expect a laser printer to last five years, although this will depend on frequency of use, of course.
When looking at laser printers, give serious thought to whether you need a color printer. How many times do you actually use color? Does it merit the added expense of that option? People who are printing photos at home only occasionally could probably get their images printed professionally for less overall cost.
Prioritize your printer
Even in our increasingly digital world, there are still times when we want to print. Whether it’s a family photo, school report, resume, or slide deck, you want to count on your printer for high quality and reliable performance.
There are many, many office-grade printers to choose from, and it can become overwhelming. What and how much you print should factor into your decision.
Computer cleaning for the new year – The new year can mean resolutions and promises for a “new you.” One way to start this year feeling more in control is to clean up your computer. Follow these simple steps!
Tackle the inbox
We do a lot of shopping at the end of the year. Whether you shop online or in stores, you’re asked to provide your email address when you buy, which multiplies the number of mailing lists you’re on. Don’t start the new year deluged by unwanted newsletters and advertising emails.
The extra messages in your inbox distract you from the messages that matter. Instead of deleting every new unread message from “Let’s Make Cookies,” click on one and unsubscribe. Usually, there’s a link that lets you do this at the bottom of the email. If you’re a Gmail user, start your effort to cut down on unwanted mail in your Promotions tab. Google’s algorithm sends sales pitches here, so cut messages from this section first.
Clear bookmarks
The internet is built for browsing. We’ve all lost hours to clicking and linking in this vortex of information. “Wait. How did I end up here looking at kittens eating cupcakes?!” To make things easier, we’ll bookmark sites we visit often or put a page we want to return to on a reading list.
By the end of the year, we have marked many sites that we don’t even remember favoriting in the first place. “When was I interested in this?” Getting rid of any bookmarks for passing interests can help you navigate the Web better this year.
In Google Chrome, click on the three dots in the upper-right of your browser window (to the left of your profile icon). The drop-down menu will have a Bookmarks option. Click on this to see another drop-down menu with Bookmark Manager on it. On the next screen every one of your bookmarks will have three dots beside it. Click on this to select the delete option, and get rid of the ones you don’t need any longer.
Safari users can click on Bookmarks on the top menu or the sidebar icon on the tool bar (to the right of the arrows on the left). Then edit your bookmarks by clicking on sites you no longer want and hitting your delete button.
Sort through downloads
We also download a lot of stuff in a year. Sometimes, because we’re impatient or don’t realize we’ve already hit download, we get multiple copies of the same file! A full download folder takes up storage space on your computer and can slow your computer down.
On a Mac, go to the Finder and click on Downloads on the “Go” drop-down menu. You’ll find a folder filled with .pdfs, .docs, and .jpegs you long forgot about. Click on those you don’t need any more and drag them to your trash can.
On Windows, you can usually go to the “This PC” icon and then the “Downloads” Folder. Right-click on the files you don’t want, and choose “Delete.”
Empty trash/recycling bins
Items you put in the trash or recycling bins at home take up space until you take those bins to the curb or the dump, and the same is true of your computer trash or recycling. Empty these bins by selecting “empty trash” on your Mac Finder menu, or “empty recycle bin” after clicking on the bin icon in Windows 10.
Remove unused programs/apps – If you’re not using a program or app, don’t give it computer space. On a Mac, you can click on the icon for that program and drag it to the Trash. With Windows, you’ll open the Start menu, click on Settings, then System, then Apps and Features from the left pane to select what you want to uninstall. Click the uninstall button, and you’ve de-cluttered your computer that little bit more for the new year.
Windows 7 support ends on January 14, 2020 – Microsoft made a commitment to provide 10 years of product support for Windows 7 when it was released on October 22, 2009. When this 10-year period ends, Microsoft will discontinue Windows 7 support so that we can focus our investment on supporting newer technologies and great new experiences. The specific end of support day for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance and software updates from Windows Update that help protect your PC will no longer be available for the product. Microsoft strongly recommends that you move to Windows 10 sometime before January 2020 to avoid a situation where you need service or support that is no longer available.
What does end of support mean for me? After January 14, 2020, if your PC is running Windows 7, it will no longer receive security updates. Therefore, it’s important that you upgrade to a modern operating system such as Windows 10, which can provide the latest security updates to help keep you and your data safer. In addition, Microsoft customer service will no longer be available to provide Windows 7 technical support. Related services for Windows 7 will also be discontinued over time. For example, certain games such as Internet Backgammon and Internet Checkers as well as Electronic Program Guide for Windows Media Center are scheduled to be discontinued in January 2020.
What should I do?
For most Windows 7 users, moving to a new device with Windows 10 will be the recommended path forward. Today’s PCs are faster, lightweight yet powerful, and more secure, with an average price that’s considerably less than that of the average PC eight years ago. Our Guide can help you choose a new PC in just a few easy steps.
Want to learn more about Windows 10? Check out our overview page to learn more.
Can I upgrade my existing PC to Windows 10? To take advantage of the latest hardware capabilities, we recommend moving to a new PC with Windows 10. As an alternative, compatible Windows 7 PCs can be upgraded by purchasing and installing a full version of the software. For more information, see Windows 10 upgrade FAQ.
How can I upgrade to Windows 10 for free?
The Windows 10 free upgrade offer ended on July 29, 2016. To get Windows 10 you will need to either purchase a new device or, if you have a compatible PC, purchase a full version of the software to upgrade your existing device. We recommend that you don’t install Windows 10 on an older device, as some Windows 7 devices are not compatible with Windows 10 or could experience reduced feature availability.
What happens if I continue to use Windows 7?
If you continue to use Windows 7 after support has ended, your PC will still work, but it will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. Your PC will continue to start and run, but you will no longer received software updates, including security updates, from Microsoft.
Can Windows 7 still be activated after January 14, 2020?
Windows 7 can still be installed and activated after end of support; however, it will be more vulnerable to security risks and viruses due to the lack of security updates. After January 14, 2020, Microsoft strongly recommends that you use Windows 10 instead of Windows 7.
Will Internet Explorer still be supported on Windows 7?
Support for Internet Explorer on a Windows 7 device will also be discontinued on January 14, 2020. As a component of Windows, Internet Explorer follows the support lifecycle of the Windows operating system it’s installed on. See Lifecycle FAQ – Internet Explorer for more information.
Will Microsoft Security Essentials continue to protect my PC after end of support? Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) will continue to receive signature updates after January 14, 2020. However, the MSE platform will no longer be updated. Click here to learn more about learn more about Microsoft Security Essentials.
What if I’m running Windows 7 Enterprise?
If you are using Windows as part of a work environment, we recommend you check first with your IT department or see Windows 10 deployment support to learn more.
What about Windows 7 Embedded? Windows for embedded devices such as ATMs or gas pumps have lifecycle dates that sometimes differ from versions of Windows that are used on PC devices.
Can I move my existing programs to a new Windows 10 PC? For the best possible experience, we recommend doing a fresh installation of your programs and apps on your new Windows 10 PC. Microsoft Store has a variety of third-party apps that can be easily downloaded and installed. On your Windows 10 PC, you can open Microsoft Store by selecting the icon on the taskbar or by searching for “Microsoft Store” in the search box on the taskbar.
For any software not currently available in Microsoft Store, we recommend going to that company’s official website and downloading the Windows 10 version from there. In limited circumstances, some older software may not have an updated version that’s compatible with Windows 10.
How will Windows 7 end of support affect my Microsoft Office apps?
Your experience may be different depending on the Office version you’re running. To learn more, see Windows 7 end of support and Office. It’s important to note that Windows 7 itself will no longer receive security updates, leaving your device vulnerable to security threats. As such, if you’re running Microsoft Office on a Windows 7 PC, we recommend you move to a new Windows 10 PC.
Now that you’re probably confused about Microsoft’s explanations above, there is no need to worry because you’re in good hands with Twin Cities PC Repair!! We can certainly take this burden off you by offering upgrade options for your current PC or the option to upgrade to a new or refurbished PC which is already Windows 10 certified. Please feel free to call us at (651) 456-8655 or visit our CONTACT page.
3 Top Reasons for Onsite Computer Repair. No one wants to experience computer problems. Whether it’s used for personal or business use, your computer is likely indispensable. Essential customer files are on there! All your downloaded music! The family photos! Vendor contracts and employee payroll information! Compounding the crisis is the hassle of going to get the computer fixed. That’s why we offer onsite repair services.
When You Need Computer Repair
Regrettably, there are common computer problems you might encounter at home or work:
A blue computer screen with some white text, aka the “Blue Screen of Death,” or a STOP error. This one’s scary. It could indicate failing hardware, damaged software, driver problems and more. Don’t know what any of that sentence meant? That’s OK. We do!
Having trouble installing new applications.
The computer is running so slow a turtle would beat it in a foot race.
Your applications are acting possessed and are unpredictable.
The keyboard, mouse, or printer are not working properly.
Your computer keeps restarting on you.
Downloads are taking forever.
You can’t open that attachment from your boss.
The computer freezes or shuts off suddenly.
The graphics on the computer screen look wonky.
Your computer is making noises mimicking an old clunker car.
Troubleshooting these problems to diagnose what is really going on can be challenging. It depends on how much you know about computers to begin with. Since you rely on your computer for so much, it’s a good idea to consult with computer repair experts.
Why Onsite Computer Repair
#1 Convenience.
You don’t need to worry about doing more damage when you unplug everything and drive the computer to a repair shop. You also avoid the commute across town, headache of finding parking, and annoyance of waiting in line. Whether a business office or home, our computer repair experts can come to you.
This is more convenient for you. You don’t have to lug the computer to a store and back only to have to set it up all over again. Your computer stays right where you typically use it. When we’re done, you can just push the power button and get going as if nothing happened.
#2 Context.
Seeing your computer in its natural habitat helps our experts too. Sometimes the issue isn’t internal to the computer. So, we wouldn’t be able to properly diagnose the problem if you brought the computer in to us.
For example, the hiccup could be caused by a faulty power board or misbehaving printer. Unless you thought to bring those into the computer store too, the problem wouldn’t be replicable. And nothing’s worse than going to the trouble of getting help only to say “well, it doesn’t seem to be that annoying thing right now.” That’s when the expert looks at us like we’re crazy and says “next time, just try turning it on and off again.”
#3 Cut Downtime.
When the computer repair service comes to your door, you can also reduce downtime. Whether the computer is essential for homework at home or business services, you probably can’t imagine being without it for a few days. It’s like losing a limb! Onsite computer repair aims to fix the problem in just a few hours, without taking the computer away.
We can handle most repairs onsite. In some cases, it’s more cost-effective to bring the computer back to base. We still save you hassle by dropping the computer back off to you. We’ll also set everything back up again when we return your computer. That way you don’t have to worry about which cord goes where!
We hope you never need computer repairs. But, if you’re ever facing an error message you don’t understand or your computer has ground to a halt, give us a call at (651) 456-8655 or visit our Contact page. Our computer repair service experts will be happy to schedule a time to come to you!
Why is My Brand New Laptop So Slow? Your old computer is beginning to slow down. So, you invest in a shiny new laptop. The clouds part and the sun shines down on this bright and lovely new device. Everything will be faster and easier. Only, from the first day, the new laptop is lagging. Why is it running so slow? One of these might be the reason.
#1 Not enough computing power.
In many cases, the laptop doesn’t have enough RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM is the computer’s main memory. This helps your computer do more at once. Information from the operating system, application programs and data are kept here, when in use, for quicker processing.
RAM is like the computer’s short-term memory, while the hard drive is the long-term memory. Just as the human brain can’t hold everything in short-term memory, RAM can get overloaded too. When this happens on your laptop, the computer processor needs to go to the hard drive. This slows things down.
Resolution: You might see 4GB, 8GB, 16GB or more of RAM available. How much you need is going to depend on what you plan on doing with the computer. For a laptop with Windows 10, we recommend at least 8GB of RAM, but 16GB is more comfortable for a better experience.
Not all laptops will let you access the RAM. When you can, though, upgrading memory can be quick and affordable.
#2 Mechanical hard drive.
Often a single part is letting you down. With a less expensive computer, manufacturers skimp. While it’s less common these days, some laptops will come with a mechanical hard drive. You might think of this like a record player with a needle reading the vinyl album. Since something is moving to find data, the laptop runs slower than it would with a Solid State Drive (SSD), which has no moving parts.
Resolution: In many cases, a mechanical hard drive can be easily upgraded to an SSD. However, some super slim laptops have limited or more advanced upgradability.
#3 Bloatware.
Retailers like to tout all the bells and whistles that come with their laptops. So, when you turn on your laptop for the first time, you may notice there’s already a lot of software preloaded. Much of it you’ll probably never use. Maybe there are toolbars you don’t need, games you’ll never use, or stock widgets that you couldn’t care less about. These examples of bloatware slow down your computer.
The third-party applications are a revenue source for the manufacturer, but don’t always help you. Microsoft, for instance, sells a line of computers that come without any pre-installed third-party software. Computerworld reported those PCs “start up 104% faster, shut down 35% faster and have 28 minutes more battery life.”
Resolution: When you get a new laptop, check out the pre-installed software before you add your own. Determine what the existing software will do, and uninstall anything that you won’t want.
If your laptop is slow on the first startup, this may be due to system updates. For instance, a Windows 10 automatic update to bolster the security of the computer. You can’t do much about these, but look on the bright side, your laptop security is current!
Improved speed is a main reason to invest in a new laptop. Don’t let a lagging laptop disrupt your productivity. We can help with a slow running laptop.
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